Artificial Intelligence

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What exactly is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the ability of a machine or computer system to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns, learning from experience, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI can be classified into two main categories: narrow and general. Narrow AI is designed to perform a specific task and is not able to perform other tasks outside of its specific domain. For example, a machine that is designed to play chess is a form of narrow AI. On the other hand, general AI is designed to be able to perform a wide range of tasks, similar to a human. It can learn, adapt, and solve problems in a variety of domains. While general AI is still a goal for researchers in the field, narrow AI is already being widely used in various applications, such as image and speech recognition, language translation, and autonomous vehicles.

That is the answer generated by an AI by the way... ChatGPT version 3.5 in mid 2023 -> and yes, 4.0 is an order of magnitude better!

Child Pages

Related/Child Pages:

Text Generation:

  • ChatGPT **** - A scary good AI chat interface that provides answers far better than any of your friends ever could. Better than most experts too. To unlock the real power, make sure you do two things:
    (1) Pay for version 4, it's well worth it because you will now use it instead of Google for everything...
    (2) program your first Custom ChatGPTs.
  • Two more notable text generators:
    • Claude by Anthropic, which has some very unique lovely vision of honesty and handling large file uploads.
    • Gemini by Google, which I wasn't impressed with when it was called Bard, and I'm still not impressed by after the rebrand. The only nice feature is it sometimes shows little images in the results which I show examples of.

Text to Image Programs:

  • Midjourney - A text to images cloud service system which works on Discord and does particularly well at abstract art. In my humble opinion, it's the best of them all.
  • Adobe Firefly - A power family of creative AI products from the Adobe giant.
  • Stable Diffusion - A text-to-image system which can work on your computer.
  • DALL-E - The text-to-images system created by OpenAI using a paid cloud service. This one certainly feels like the easiest to use.
  • ... and there are a lot more, but these are some big ones and MidJourney remains my favourite.

Text to Music Programs:

  • Riffusion - Very small snippets (~20 words / 12 seconds), but great to sing your friend happy birthday in any style.
  • Suno - Very small snippets (~20 words / 12 seconds), but great to sing your friend happy birthday in any style.

More AI Image Articles:

Machine Learning:
